Your Unified Wealth Solution

3 steps to get to know each other and see what it’s like to work with us

Most of our clients are…


Business owners, high-earners and people in a life transition who want their money to do its max for them.


And want to connect the dots between what you have and where you want to be.


Want the help of a boutique firm that uses sophisticated strategies to help you pursue life goals.

How it Works


15-minute Connection Call

By no means is this first call a commitment. The only goal of this call is to get to know each other, answer your questions and make sure our experience matches your life situation and where you want to go.


Get the Whole Picture

We don’t create a financial plan without knowing you. That’s why step 2 is an in-depth conversation about where you are now, and where you want to be.

After this, we’ll conduct thorough analysis to find your suitable opportunities to grow toward your goals. We then build a complete plan for a portfolio that will align with the life you want to live.


Your Unified Wealth Solution Review

In this meeting, we’ll present your custom plan. It may encompass evidence-based investments, proven tax strategies, and a personalized financial blueprint.

Your plan will be tailored to your life and vision, and based in financial science, not speculation. We will thoroughly explain everything in it in a way that makes sense, and answer all your questions until you can say,

“I got it!” After this there is one final step.

The final step: Think about it

We’re just CPAs and CFPs. Our only goal is to mutually see if we’re a good fit to work together. If you decide a partnership with us makes sense for you, we’ll move on to the next step.

If it does not, no worries. We’ll gladly point you to someone who may be a better fit for you.

Want to see if we’re a good fit? Click to book a call with us

Our calls are friendly and pressure-free